Secrets of the Rosetta Stone

Rating: 4 stars

The video, Secrets of the Rosetta Stone, was very interesting and definitely gives  you a lot of insightful information. The video explains the importance of the stone and how such a simple thing could open a world of possibilities. The Rosetta Stone was three feet nine inches and three hundred pounds of rock containing three different languages: Greek, Demotics, and Hieroglyphics. The race to decipher all of the languages was brutal and extremely time consuming, but once the code was broken the stone gave us a broader take on history. The Rosetta Stone allowed us to read tablets and languages that we would never have been able to understand before and is one of the most major discoveries for communication throughout the world. Overall this video shows all of the conflict and commotion this stone created in Egypt and how our lives would be completely changed without it.

~ by nicolekaramallakis on March 31, 2011.

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